Tagged Market Modifiers

Tuition freeze not black and white

On Oct. 19, the Alberta government announced a one-year extension to the tuition freeze through the 2017—18 academic year. Normally, tuition is tied to the National Consumer Price Index and changes are voted on by a university’s Board of Governors. … Read the rest


I sigh, you sigh, we all sigh for Eyes High

You’ve probably heard the news — the University of Calgary is the top-ranked university under 50 years of age in Canada, according to the QS rankings. Those same rankings say we’re No. 2 under 50 in North America and No. … Read the rest

Students must rally against market modifiers

By Kate Jacobson, October 13 2014 —

The University of Calgary will host a budget town hall tomorrow, Oct. 14, in MacHall A. Administration will be presenting the budget and trying to convince you that the proposed tuition hikes known … Read the rest


Students can’t be passive about tuition increases

The University of Calgary recently proposed new market modifiers. These are tuition increases for faculties that have a perceived higher earning potential after graduation, like engineering and business. For the faculty of engineering, undergraduate students are looking at an added … Read the rest

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