2022 SU General Election Full Supplement

Photo by Mariah Wilson

SLC meeting includes unanimous passing of first reading for VP external appointment

By Derek Baker, October 18 2017 —

The Oct. 17 meeting of Students’ Legislative Council included a report from the Board of Governors (BOG) student representative, an update on General Faculties Council (GFC) and the first reading of the appointment of a new vice-president external.

The council meeting began with a report from BOG representative Sam Sirianni. She said she sent in her report in advance and was instead looking to take questions from SLC members. Sirianni added that the upcoming meeting of the BOG will include discussions about the flu shot clinic, which will begin on Oct. 30 in the MacHall courtyard. The BOG will also discuss implementation of the U of C’s Indigenous strategy, which Sirianni said will soon be launched. The next BOG meeting is Friday, Oct. 20. 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. in the Governors Boardroom A167 in the Administration building.

Vice-president academic Tina Miller gave a presentation on the next GFC meeting. She said the meeting will include discussions over cuts to certain academic journal subscriptions due to cost concerns, as well as the processes to appointing academic staff to committees that will select a new Haskayne School of Business dean, vice-provost international and vice-provost libraries and cultural resources. The next GFC meeting will occur on Oct. 19 from 1:30–4:30 p.m. in Science Theatres 147.

According to meeting documents, Nominations Committee conducted a recruitment and interview process to appoint a new vice-president external to replace Shubir Shaikh, who resigned last month. SU policy states that when an executive position becomes vacant after the deadline for declaration of nomination in the byelection, which was held last week, a current member of SLC must fill the role. Nominations committee recommended current arts representative Puncham Judge for the position.

SLC voted unanimously in favour of the first reading to appoint Judge as vice-president external, who was not present this council meeting.

In addition to his previously submitted online report, SU president Brandon Cave’s executive report included information about the first meeting of the President’s Consultative Task Force and a summary about the SU get-out-the-vote campaign. This municipal election, the campaign received 1,833 pledges from students to vote.

Cave also mentioned that the RSA president Scott Johnston has denied the SU’s request for a meeting to discuss proposed meal plan changes.

SU vice-president operations and finance Ryan Wallace did not provide a verbal report. In a pre-written statement, absent vice-president student life Hilary Jahelka said she too has submitted her report online in advance.

Faculty representative reports included attending various faculty committees and promoting the undergraduate research symposium. Abstracts for the URS are due Oct. 25.

Kinesiology representative Sagar Grewal included in his report information about the “Scholarships in Kinesiology” survey, which had 97 responses to date. It may be found on the KNES D2L shell.

The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. The next SLC meeting will be on Oct. 24 at 6:30 p.m. in the Executive Council Chambers. The meeting will include the second — and, if passed, final — reading of the Nominations Committee motion to appoint Judge as the new vice-president external.

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