Tagged love

Love on the brain

By Ansharah Shakil, February 12 2024—

Love might seem inexplicable, but in some ways, love is a science. So much of our literature, music and philosophy is about love, and science is a bit behind the game in comparison when … Read the rest


Gauntlet Mixtape Vol. 7: Songs to make you fall in love

By Aymen Sherwani, Cristina Paolozzi, Julieanne Acosta, Valery Perez, Salma Zein, Frankie Berardino, Roog Kubur, Kara Koblanski, Logan Jaspers, Ava Zardynezhad, Malea Nguyen, Sophie Janos, Ramiro Bustamante Torres, February 14 2022—

Love is in the air — or maybe that’s … Read the rest

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