Tagged October 9 2014


Student swaps sandwiches for stories

By Hayden McBennett, October 9 2014 —

University of Calgary third-year communications student Sam Sawchuk has teamed up with Calgarian Evan Beck to put faces to the stories behind homelessness.

Sandwich for a Story sees the pair give a sandwich … Read the rest


New business building in the works

By Scott Strasser, October 9 2014 —

It looks like business is booming over at the Haskayne School of Business, where plans for a new 100,000 square-foot building are afoot.

Students’ Union business representative Tyler Hodgson said the new building, … Read the rest


MacHall lease negotiations extended by one year

By Fabian Mayer, October 9 2014 —

Student leaders and University of Calgary administration have extended the agreement that gives the Students’ Union the right to manage MacHall by one year.

The current agreement has been extended to Dec. 9, … Read the rest


Cirque de la Nuit hosts surreal circus

By Hayden McBennett, October 9 2014 —

Cirque de la Nuit, a surreal nightlife event billed as “Calgary’s newest sensory experience,” is gearing up for a night of carnival-style madness this Friday, Oct. 17 at The Roadhouse.

The steam-punk themed … Read the rest


Make your confessions mean something

By Ashley Gray, October 9 2014 —

U of C Compliments and U of C Confessions have unrealized potential. Anonymous people could be complimenting an exceptional employee or student, but instead they acknowledge “pink trainers in the gym” or confess … Read the rest


Should the City build more bike lanes?

No, bikes lanes are impractical and a waste of money

By Derek Baker, October 9 2014 —

Calgary’s construction season saw the completion of a variety of projects, including new bike lanes.

In theory, bike lanes should remove cars from … Read the rest


Botany professor finally loses it

By Susan Anderson, October 9 2014 —

Although everyone knew it was coming, botany professor Patrick Yang finally snapped on Friday, Oct. 3. He was teaching his class on comparative anatomy when he had what eyewitnesses say was “a complete … Read the rest

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