2022 SU General Election Full Supplement

Communications department changes name, hires new staff

By Scott Strasser, January 8 2015 —

The department of communication and culture hired two new assistant professors, added new courses and changed its name to the department of communication, media and film at a Board of Governors meeting on Dec. 12.

The department houses four programs at the University of Calgary — communications studies; communication and culture; film studies; and science, technology and society (STAS).

The communications studies program will be renamed the communication and media studies program in 2016.

Department head Barbara Schneider said the change reflects a turn towards media studies.

“The new name makes it clearer for students what the department [is focusing on],” Schneider said. “We wanted a name that reflected the reality of what we’re doing now in our programs.”

Due to the small size of the STAS program, Schneider said 2014 is the last year the department will accept new STAS majors.

“What we’ve done with STAS is bring it into the communications studies program,” Schneider said. “STAS 341 is being renamed to COMS 203 — new media and society. Other STAS courses will be taught as special topics.”

The film studies and the communication and culture programs will stay the same.

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