SU election supplement 2021: Faculty of Kinesiology representatives
Along with the responsibilities outlined for all SLC members, faculty representatives are accountable for responsibilities particular to their role including: Reporting to students of their faculty the policies, positions and programs of the SU, reporting to their faculty itself (e.g., Dean’s Council) the policies, positions and programs of the SU, representing student constituents of their faculty at SLC, representing student constituents of their faculty on university committees and reporting to the VP Academic on matters of academic importance within their faculty.
Haris Ahmad

Haris Ahmad’s platform seems pretty standard, although might not be as suited looking ahead to another year online. His goals to renovate current study spaces on campus as well as creating more social and athletic events are definitely more geared to a year that sees a return to campus.
Ahmad acknowledges this, however, and mentions that he has every intention of hosting events in an online setting. Ahmad states that he will “make sure to create other programs like yoga classes, or gym classes where they’re virtual.” His commitment to interacting and engaging with students is genuine, as he also maintains that he would like to advocate for more internships and practicums while making existing ones more accessible. Ahmad plans to do this by utilizing the SU’s Quality Money funding, as well as networking with past Kinesiology graduates to raise awareness for these opportunities. When asked how he would transfer this platform points to an online space, Ahmad stated that he would push for a “digital practicum,” as he has seen some clubs do already. This would see students following a professional in the field while this professional is filming what they do everyday. Ahmad also stresses that with only two designated study spaces for Kinesiology students at the university, he plans to apply for the Quality Money grant, as well as the Campus Improvement Fund to create more spaces for students to work, as well as to improve the Kinesiology building overall. While students might not be able to use these spaces right away, this might be a smart time to begin renovating these spaces with classes continuing online.
Ahmad’s plans to connect students through more opportunities and events seem well thought out, however, could see a slow start when transitioning and advocating for continued opportunities to be made available online.
Carlos Martinez

Carlos Martinez has a service-oriented background with plenty of volunteer experience. He’s also got some political experience working in social media and communications for a party. This sets him up for success in navigating the ins and outs of the role.
His plan to partner up with private industry to obtain funding for the faculty is certainly interesting — and entrepreneurial. We’d have liked to see a more clear answer on how ensuring academic freedom doesn’t get lost in corporate interests, but certainly appreciated his candor in admitting that he didn’t have all the answers.
Martinez is absolutely correct that the study spaces in Kinesiology are abysmal and his plan to use Quality Money for new spaces is doable and useful. He also has a Plan B for funding if Quality Money doesn’t work out which shows how well-thought out his entire platform is.
Overall, Martinez would be a great faculty rep. He’s got plenty of confidence and passion for his faculty and he knows exactly what he wants to get done in his term.
Areeb Qayyum

Upbeat and engaging, Areeb Qayyum is not disillusioned by the impact that a Faculty representative has in the Students’ Union. His platform doesn’t try to be grand, despite his opponents’ ambitious goals, but that’s exactly what sets Qayyum apart. He knows exactly what he can accomplish in a year, and if elected, is confident he will be able to deliver every point.
While being an active member of the Kinesiology Faculty, Qayyum is passionate about speaking to students and creating a collaborative environment for them. Qayyum sees that summaries from the Student Legislative Council (SLC), or research opportunities more accessible to students is an effective way to combat issues around communication between students and the SU. He brings new ideas to old problems that are, some may argue, simple. Even the concept of an open suggestion box is quite dated. But his energy and excitement breathes fresh air into a campus community lagged and tired from a year of online learning.
Qayyum sees no point in advocating for big promises on the premise that they might not get done. Instead, choosing to focus on the tinier goals that can help improve the student experience is the most important part of this role, according to Qayyum.
Remember, the supplement constitutes the opinions of our panel — it’s important that you read the candidate’s platforms on the SU’s website, interact with those running for positions, ask questions and make up your own minds about who deserves your vote!