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Photo by Michael Grondin

CJSW radio hosts annual funding drive

By Sophia Lopez, October 20 2021—

The University of Calgary Student Radio Society (CJSW Radio) is hosting its annual funding drive from Oct. 22–29 to collect donations that go towards the quality of the radio station’s broadcasts.

Matt Hume, marketing development director at CJSW, went into detail on the importance that CJSW has when it comes to creating community within Calgary. He explained how the funding drive will allow CJSW to continue providing quality content produced by U of C students and people outside of the campus community.

“It exists to highlight underrepresented, local, Canadian artists, independent businesses and community initiatives,” said Hume. “The funding drive itself is a really good way to highlight those aspects of CJSW.”

Hume explained how about $250,000 comes in every year from the funding drive, and that the radio station accepts donations via their website, phone call or simply by stopping by their space at the university. The different levels of donations are available on their website, which are incentivized with different merchandise.  

“We’re very thankful for any possible donation that we can get,” he said. “[Donations] go right back into the station, its broadcast and essentially all non-staff related costs.”

CJSW merch includes a pin // photo by Michael Grondin

The pandemic has caused the funding drive to look a little different compared to previous years. Before, Hume discussed how most of the funding drive process occurred on campus, but now CJSW has structured it so volunteers can be present at the radio station or help out online. 

“We’re giving everybody the space that they need to feel safe,” he said. “So instead of the usual call on the phone and then [coming to] pick your stuff up — which you still can do — we also have the option of making sure that you can do it online, and then we can ship your stuff to you so that everybody’s keeping a safe distance and is comfortable.”

Hume encourages anybody — regardless of experience — to volunteer for CJSW, as there’s always a place for everybody with different opportunities to get involved. 

“We’re always happy to see new faces,” said Hume. “You don’t need any kind of experience in terms of broadcasting or radio in any capacity. The more involved you are, the more opportunities there can be.”

The CJSW funding drive theme this year is radio and colour. Hume explained how this theme was decided by the staff because of the diversity the station has always had and continues to advocate for.

“The goal really is to keep this station alive and broadcasting at the quality that we have been for so long,” he said. “CJSW, for a long time, has been a home for so many different, vibrant, colourful and unique interests, communities, genres and underrepresented arts.”

Hume expressed his gratitude for volunteers and how his experience at CJSW has allowed him to make life-long connections.

“Anybody who’s ever donated or supported CJSW or gotten involved — thank you for doing that because it’s made my life better. It’s given me a home and it’s given a home for a lot of other folks,” said Hume.

The CJSW funding drive takes place from Oct. 22–29. To get involved, contact the volunteer coordinator at For information on the funding drive, how to donate and more of what CJSW has to offer, visit their website.

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