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Illustration by Valery Perez

SU By-Elections 2022: Schulich School of Engineering

By Sophia Lopez, Julieanne Acosta, October 7 2022

In this year’s Students’ Union (SU) by-election, two Schulich School of Engineering representative positions are up for grabs. There are two engineering students running this time around that need to secure a yes/no vote from students in order to get the position.    


Photo by Abhari Limbu

Abhari Limbu is a candidate for the Shulich School of Engineering representative. Based on her platform and her interview with the Gauntlet, this is what students can expect from her. 

Although Limbu’s platform on the SU website doesn’t go in depth into her goals, she further explains in her interview that she has five initiatives if elected into office — management and scheduling support, tuition and financial advising, student safety and well being, mental health endorsements, increased student and school involvement. 

Limbu stressed her most important goal is to provide guidance to her fellow students on how to manage school and their personal life as she herself has struggled with this balance as well.

“I play soccer and work on weekends — I have other priorities,” said Limbu. “So [helping others be] able to maintain a very healthy balance between your school life, social life and any other extracurriculars is my main mission.” 

Another goal Limbu has is to establish a networking cycle, similar to the Shulich Mentoring Program, that focuses on factors other than just academics. She noted that her aim is to allow students to learn outside their own respective disciplines whether through working with the Shulich Mentorship Program or by creating a separate program.

Lastly, Limbu urged students to follow along on her social media — @limbu4su — where they can learn more about her and her goals. 

“I have a lot of resources that I will be putting up there. Within the next few days, I’ll be posting about [who I am and what do] and my mission,” said Limbu. 


Photo by Mariah Wilson

Jacob Artuso is another candidate for the Schulich School of Engineering representative positions, but he did not interview with the Gauntlet, so this is what students can expect from him solely based on his platform. 

Artuso is a fourth-year software engineering student looking to give his fellow students more of a say when it comes to decisions made regarding the faculty. He is confident in that he can efficiently advocate for engineering students’ needs, stating that he spoken to many of them over the past week on issues they have been facing. 

One of his main platform points involves addressing tuition and affordability issues, by creating a plan that works better for students during these tough times and fight further tuition increases.

He also believes that getting rid of the flexible grading (CR/F) system was not beneficial, as many other faculties have kept CR/F to help reduce students’ mental strain. He wants to bring back CR/F for the engineering faculty, saying he doesn’t want his GPA to be effected by courses not relevant to his degree. 

His last point consists of getting engineering student voices out there by finding a way for students to have more of an effect on what happens at the faculty level.

While we can’t provide more information besides what is presented on his platform, Artuso seems sure of the issues engineering students are facing and is willing to put in hard work to find solutions that benefit them.

Voting in this by-election can be done via online and in-person ballot on Oct. 12, 13 and 14. Online voting can be done through the myUofC Centre. Voting opens at 9 a.m. on Oct. 12 and closes at 4 p.m. on Oct. 14. All U of C undergraduate students are eligible to vote if they are enrolled in the Fall 2022 semester. To learn more about Limbu and Artuso, visit their and the other candidates’ platforms on the SU website

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