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Boxing: Getting Started

By Radhya Comar, May 15 2023

So, you’ve just finished watching the trailer for Creed III and there are a couple of things on your mind. Like any good sports drama, the trailer includes a good few training montages and a sneak peek of the electrifying soundtrack. Yet, the main feeling most viewers are left with is self-consciousness. As finals season comes to a close, most students have spent their days, and nights, chained to their desks. After studying, writing exams and studying some more, it is safe to say that most of us have lived a fairly sedentary life recently. Thus, it is completely natural to feel the urge to get fit. While we must remind ourselves that professional actors are paid millions to perfect their physique, there is still something you can do about this feeling. The best part: you don’t need a mentor like Sylvester Stallone or even any equipment for that matter. 

Getting Started

The most important thing in boxing is your stance. A narrow stance makes it easy for you to lose balance. At the same time, a wide stance makes it difficult to move around the ring. Luckily, setting up a comfortable stance is easy and will come naturally. First, stand shoulder-width apart. For right-handed folks, put your left foot slightly forward. Those who write with their left hand, do the opposite. You then want to slightly bend your knees and try shifting your weight around on both feet to get used to it. Commonly, beginners will set up their stance and move around the ring in a hop-like, bobbing motion. This unnecessarily tires you out. Instead of jumping, focus on moving one foot in front and following it up with the other. Lead with your front foot and then follow it up. Both feet should not be moving simultaneously. 

Throw a few punches

What can also be confusing for beginners is setting up their guard. For most, having both of your hands up can feel silly and even vulnerable. To get started, simply put your fists at about the same height as your nose. Then, bring your fists out slightly and place your non-dominant hand slightly forward. This is your jabbing hand. The jab is used to test your range during spar and also gain an understanding of your opponent’s style. The second hand is your cross, a powerful punch which is propelled by the momentum from your hips. One thing to pay close attention to is the angle of your arms. They should not be tightly held straight down as this restricts your movement. However, a boxer must also avoid putting their arms out so wide that they start to look like chicken wings. This setup provides your face with little protection. It is best to have only a slight angle to your arms. Throwing a few pretend punches will help you get used to this position. 

Once you have done that, an easy way to elevate this exercise is by grabbing a few light weights, such as 5-15 lbs, and throwing imaginary punches with them. This makes for a simple yet impactful arm workout which strengthens your technique. Although, whether you are throwing your pretend punches with weights or without them, remember to fully outstretch your arm. 

While most of us may never become Adonis Creed or look like Michael B. Jordan, boxing is a great way to stay fit even when you are practicing at home with no equipment. Even if you are not looking to become a pro, these easy movements can be incorporated into your daily routine.

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