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Beware the pies of March

By Jill Girgulis, March 11 2016 —

The Engineering Students’ Society is teaming up with the Faculty of Arts Students’ Association and the Residence Students’ Association for the University of Calgary’s annual Pi week, where students can exact revenge on … Read the rest


Enrol in your classes and your future

By Jill Girgulis, March 8 2016 —



(Feb. 19 – March 20)

You will go to add courses to your enrolment shopping cart, only to be informed that your cart is full. Further investigation will reveal that you … Read the rest

Four things to do instead of studying

By Jill Girgulis, March 1 2016 —

University will teach you a lot. However, the most critical information you will extract from an undergraduate degree is how to procrastinate effectively. Here are some activities you should probably try before you … Read the rest

Three purr-fect dates for Valentine’s Day

By Jill Girgulis, February 12 2016 —

Not everyone is in a serious romantic relationship. There’s no shame in being single on Valentine’s Day, but if you’re feeling a little lonely, online dating site Fancy Felines is here to help. … Read the rest

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