Appeal process, health and dental survey results discussed at semester’s final SLC meeting
By Tina Shaygan, April 12 2018 —
The last Students’ Legislative Council meeting of the semester took place on April 10 and began with a 45-minute presentation on changes to the appeals process by University of Calgary staff Andrea Klaiber-Langen, Cherie Tutt and vice-president student life Susan Barker. The presentation discussed the different phases of changes to the appeals process and emphasized website development along with panel appointments.
The presentation also addressed defining extenuating circumstances more clearly and what evidence can be brought forward to the appeals committee. Students’ Union law representative Bassam Saifeddine said he had concerns about the appeals process’ impact for students in professional faculties that may require procedures such as passing the bar.
Other questions included logistics of student representatives on panels where the appeal concerns sensitive topics such as sexual violence, cross-examination and ensuring students are informed of their rights during the process. Saifeddine added that he hopes resources such as help from Students’ Legal Assistance can be clarified in the upcoming phases.
Science representative Kayla Huggard asked about ensuring students are aware of resources such as Students’ Ombuds Office, which she believes students don’t know about.
After, SU vice-president operations and finance Ryan Wallace presented the results of the Health and Dental plan survey launched earlier in the semester. According to Wallace, 2,426 students filled out the survey, which represents 14.8 per cent of those on the health and dental plan.
Wallace said over 52 per cent of the respondents reported they have no other affordable healthcare option. According to Wallace, respondents also emphasized adding better coverage for dental and vision care. Wallace said he believes data from this survey will be useful for the SU’s future decisions regarding the health and dental plan.
The remainder of the meeting included a discussion by vice-president academic Tina Miller about the upcoming General Faculties Council meeting and approval of changes to the SLC format discussed previously.
The next meeting of SLC will take place in May and include the new executive team and faculty representative. All meeting documents, including trimester reports, can be found here.