SU strategic plan, Quality Money projects discussed at quick March 5 SLC meeting
By James Falls, March 8 2019 —
At a quick March 5 meeting, Students’ Legislative Council unanimously approved the first reading of the Students’ Union’s updated Strategic Plan and introduced Quality Money projects.
In his presentation, SU president Sagar Grewal addressed concerns brought forward last meeting surrounding the language used in the plan. Social work representative Marissa Bennett had previously questioned the absence of the term ‘accessibility’ in the values outlined in the plan.
“We will transition into the next three SLCs that inclusivity is meant to include accessibility. If you are not being accessible to students, you are not being inclusive,” Grewal said.
Arts representative Quinn Stevenson also asked about the use of the term ‘strive’ when defining ‘innovation’ in the plan’s values.
“We went with ‘strive’ over a stagnant term, because we hope we would continue to be innovative,” Grewal replied.
The first reading of the plan, which is intended to shape the SU’s direction through 2022, was passed. The plan will move to its second reading at the March 12 meeting of SLC, where it requires another majority vote for final approval.
Grewal also provided a summary of this year’s approved Quality Money projects. Projects include washroom upgrades in MacHall, a support fund for unpaid practicum work in the Faculty of Social Work and computer upgrades in the Taylor Family Digital Library. The report will be presented to the University of Calgary Board of Governors on March 12.
Delivering his executive report, Grewal mentioned meeting provincial election candidates, as well as participating in meetings around Bermuda Shorts Day and activities off-campus on the last day of class. Vice-president academic Jessica Revington reported meetings with administration to support students. Vice-president student life Nabila Farid reported attending harm reduction meetings and continued conversations regarding BSD.
Vice-president operations and finance Kevin Dang said he assisted various election forums and ongoing work around the strategic plan. Vice-president external Anayat Sidhu reported continuing her work on the ‘get-out-the-vote’ campaign.
The next SLC meeting will be held on March 12 at 6:30 p.m. in the MacHall Executive Council Chambers. Access elected official reports, trimester reports, minutes and all other SLC documents here.