Photo by Mariah Wilson

SLC approves SU Strategic Plan at March 12 meeting

By James Falls, March 15 2019 —

At a March 12 meeting, the Students’ Legislative Council unanimously approved an updated Strategic Plan and a new open educational resources (OER) advocacy policy.

Vice-president academic Jessica Revington addressed concerns surrounding the language used in the Strategic Plan. Social work representative Marissa Bennett had previously questioned the absence of the term ‘accessibility’ in the plan’s outlined values.

“With reference to the accessibility piece, we’re choosing to embrace accessibility as an action item,” Revington said.

Councillors unanimously approved the plan, which will shape the SU’s direction through 2022.

Vice-president operations and finance Kevin Dang presented a new policy surrounding OER advocacy.

“This policy will establish our position and guide us to supporting open educational resources moving forward,” Dang said.

The policy, which will remain in effect for three years, was approved unanimously by the council.

During executive reports, president Sagar Grewal reported ongoing work for Bermuda Shorts Day and meetings with the Council of Alberta University Students (CAUS) executive director hiring committee. Revington highlighted her confirmation as the undergraduate representative on the Taylor Institute’s Teaching Scholars Adjudication Committee and participating in a CAUS teleconference.

Vice-president external Anayat Sidhu reported working with SU clubs to gather ‘get-out-the-vote’ pledges and meeting with provincial election candidates. Vice-president student life Nabila Farid highlighted meetings with university administration to discuss BSD and reviewing current SU programming to incorporate into the Campus Mental Health Strategy programs database. Dang reported assisting with SU election forums and activities and continuing work on the 2019 Sustainability Awards with the Office of Sustainability.

The next SLC meeting will be held on March 19 at 6:30 p.m. in the MacHall Executive Council Chambers. Access elected official reports, trimester reports, minutes and all other SLC documents here.

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