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Photo by Mariah Wilson

Stay connected through UCalgaryTogether

By Sophia Lopez, June 23 2020 —

The staff and volunteers of the University of Calgary’s UCalgaryTogether have made a series of events and opportunities for the U of C community to engage in. The team has put together events that can include those of all interests, from Exercise Together to Crochet Together. 

With the events being roughly an hour long, they’re a great way to get some physical activity into your schedule, find a new hobby, or just to meet new people.

With certain activities, a waiver must be signed. It is important to acknowledge that U of C is not responsible for any injuries or accidents people have experienced, nor damage to property resulting from UCalgaryTogether. The waivers for these events are available here. Signing a waiver is necessary for the following events:

  • Craft Together 
  • Knit/Crochet Together
  • Stretch Together
  • Bike Maintenance Together
  • Exercise/Yoga Together
  • Bollywood Dancing Together

There are other activities that do not require waivers, such as Sing-along Together and Gardening Together. 

Not all events involve physical exercise, activities such as Declutter Together (which is coming soon) aim to show the educational side of UCalgaryTogether. This series of events was made to help keep the U of C community entertained and educated during this pandemic, to help boost our physical and mental health.

It’s very important to keep ourselves busy during this time, especially since a lot of us have been stripped of our everyday schedules. Joining up with friends to take part in these events is also a fun option.

There are plenty of activities to look forward to, such as Exercise Together on June 25 and Sing-along Together on June 26. Make sure to register for every event you wish to attend, or else you won’t be able to join. 

Activities and events happen over Zoom, and go to UCalgaryTogether in order to keep an eye out for new events that might interest you, as well as to see the time and description of each online activity. The goal of the UCalgaryTogether event series is to help us all maintain a positive attitude and to remind us that we can still include having fun and learning into our daily lives amidst COVID-19.

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