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Photo by ShangNong Hu

Where you need to wear a mask on campus

By Nikayla Goddard, September 3 2020—

Where do you need to wear a mask on campus? The short answer is that you are required to wear a face covering in all indoor public spaces, which is to say, most of campus. 

The University of Calgary’s Campus Face Coverings Protocol follows the City of Calgary’s Face Coverings Bylaw that became active on Aug. 1, which requires face coverings in indoor public areas, City of Calgary facilities and public vehicles like public transportation or taxis. It was introduced along with a $50 fine if people were caught without a face covering in these settings. 

UCalgary’s indoor public spaces include being inside buildings, hallways, washrooms, lounges, elevators and public-facing work areas (private or individual work spaces are clear). Students can remove face coverings once seated in classrooms and labs as long as they maintain a two-metre distance from others, but otherwise must still wear their face covering. There is a three-metre distancing recommendation in place for when activities of physical exertion are taking place, such as in fitness facilities, dance studios or music classrooms.

You are allowed to remove your mask for reasons the same as those outlined in the City bylaw: while eating, drinking, or exercising in a fitness facility. You also do not have to wear a mask if you are in your own private office so long as it’s not accessible by the public or shared with another colleague, and you don’t have to wear a mask in your own unit/room in residence. However, all other residence areas including hallways and common areas require a face covering. 

The U of C’s COVID Response page outlines that there may be consequences for not complying with the campus rules and City bylaws beyond the fine, including the potential to be suspended or expelled.

“Individuals who demonstrate disregard for the protocol and put the well-being of others at risk, may be subject to disciplinary action under the University of Calgary Code of Conduct or associated policy. Reports of non-compliance among faculty and staff may result in sanctions that could impact employment including, but not limited to, immediate prohibition from campus and/or further disciplinary action. For students, reports will be considered through the Student Non-Academic Misconduct policy, and non-compliance could impact student status, including, but not limited to, being suspended or expelled from the university.”

For accommodations, people will need to provide valid medical documents to Staff Wellness in accordance with the Workplace Accommodation Policy and procedure, and students should review the Student Accommodation Policy and connect with Student Accessibility Services or Office of Vice-Provost Student Experience as directed by the policy.

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