2022 SU General Election Full Supplement

Photo by Ethan Langenberger

SLC approves proposed referendum question regarding the SU’s recent fee proposal 

By Julianna Keskic, July 27 2024—

An SLC meeting took place on July 23, focused on the proposed referendum question for the 2024 Student Union By-Election in October. The vote was passed by majority vote and SLC approved the proposed referendum question. 

The proposal from the SU to the SLC asked for a reconsideration of the SU general fee structure  This was related to a shift in the SU’s priorities from being largely events based to being primarily advocacy focused – with the SU president arguing that in essence full-time student fees are subsidizing those efforts.

“In the past the SU’s differential fee assessment was equitable as it reflected students’ accessibility to SU services and privileges. In the past the SU was largely events based, thus it made sense that full-time students would be charged more to be equitable to their greater usage of SU services and privileges,” Rezaei-Afsah stated. 

“While all SU members have the ability to access the various services the SU provides. Historically, full time students have been subsidizing the SU members who are internship students, co-op students, part-time students, and MD students.” Rezaei-Afsah continued.

The proposal highlighted these factors and proposed a standardization of the SU fee structure as it relates to its general fee assessment.  Rezaei-Afsah argued that the biggest risk to maintaining the differential fee assessment structure is that full-time students would continue to involuntarily subsidize the cost for SU programs and services which are accessible to all students. 

“Our services such as the Food Bank and the hardship fund are all services that are in essence a type of advocacy. They unanimously help lift students up and the access to these and all of our other programs is the same to all SU students. Ultimately our services are not measured on its usage but rather its access, and that access is equal to all SU members. Thus the fee assessment should be standardized for all members.” Rezaei-Afsah said. 

SU President Rezaei-Afsah and the rest of the executive board agreed with the proposal. The majority voted yes, none voted against the resolution, and two SLC members abstained from voting. 

The proposal and draft text is set to go to the policy analyst, the student services manager and the marketing communications departments to create communication materials for the referendum question for the 2024 SU By-Election in October.

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