SU executives present trimester reports at penultimate SLC
By James Falls, April 6 2019 —
Executives of the 76th Students’ Legislative Council delivered their final trimester reports at their meeting on April 2, where they announced that all goals on the reports were either already completed or being transitioned to their successor on the 77th council.
SU president Sagar Grewal’s trimester report, spanning from January to April, highlighted the SU’s progress on the ongoing reviews of SU policies to “ensure they better reflect the diversity of the organization and the student body.” Grewal also highlighted some emerging issues, including ongoing work surrounding Bermuda Shorts Day and the last day of classes and adapting to changing tuition regulations.
Vice-president academic Jessica Revington’s trimester report highlighted the SU’s approval of a new open educational resource (OER) advocacy policy and approving the 2019–2022 strategic plan. Revington highlighted the university’s new Academic Misconduct Policy and the heightened focus on copyright protection on campus as emerging issues facing the VP academic portfolio.
Vice-president external Anayat Sidhu’s report noted that she reached approximately 4,000 students through a ‘get-out-the-vote’ campaign for the coming provincial and federal elections. Sidhu said the tabling of Bill 19 and attempts to schedule a provincial candidate forum emerged as issues for the VP external this trimester.
In his report, vice-president operations and finance Kevin Dang highlighted the work of the Policy Development and Review Committee in establishing frameworks for how the SU creates policy and the successful expansion of the SU’s Refugee Student Program. In his emerging issues, Dang discussed ongoing work regarding MacHall redevelopment as well as the Refugee Student Program completing its first full year under its new terms.
Vice-president student life Nabila Farid’s report highlighted her mental health workshops throughout the year and advocacy for a dating violence prevention program on campus. Farid mentioned changes to BSD and continuing work surrounding mental health on campus as emerging issues for the VP student life position.
Revington also delivered a committee report for the Teaching Excellence Awards, which she said saw over 1,100 nominations from students across fall and winter semesters. The committee selected 10 teaching assistants and 17 professors, who will receive their awards at an event on April 23.
In weekly reports, Grewal highlighted preparations for the April 3 town hall and meeting with U of C Vice President Research Selection Advisory Committee. Revington reported sitting on the Teaching Scholars Adjudication Committee and meetings surrounding get-out-the-vote.
Sidhu reported attending the Canadian Alliance of Students’ Associations general meeting and transition work for incoming vice-president external Sadiya Nazir. Dang said he attended a student experience consultation meeting and transition meetings with incoming VP operations and finance Omer Mansoor. Farid reported chairing a Committee of 10,000 meeting and transitioning incoming VP student life Alisha Gordon.
The final SLC meeting of the semester will be held on April 9 at 6:30 p.m. in the MacHall Executive Council Chambers. Access elected official reports, trimester reports, minutes, and all other SLC documents here.