Online student centre, General Faculties Council excusals on docket at Sept. 18 SLC meeting
By Ashar Memon, September 19 2018 —
The Sept. 18 meeting of the Students’ Legislative Council began with announcements from Students’ Union executives.
Vice-president academic Jessica Revington told SLC that nominations for the SU Teaching and Excellence awards are now open for the fall semester. She added that abstract submissions for the annual SU Undergraduate Research Symposium are also open as well.
President Sagar Grewal reminded everyone that the MacHall building expansion survey, which he said has received over 3,500 responses, is still open.
After announcements, University of Calgary associate registrar Steven McLaughlin gave a presentation to SLC about an ongoing redesign to the “myUofC” online student centre. Planned changes to the website include a sleeker interface and mobile-enabled pages.
McLaughlin said that the redesigned website is expected to launch in February 2019, though he welcomed feedback from SLC about the project’s timeframe. SLC members seemed divided on the launch date, with some pointing out that the changes would be ushered in just weeks before SU general elections.
The meeting then moved on to executive reports. Grewal reported meeting with Member of Parliament Michelle Rempel on advocacy priorities for the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations, specifically focusing on increasing the amount paid by summer research studentships. He also reported hosting the first SU townhall of the year.
Revington said she adjudicated the oral presentation component of the Markin Undergraduate Research Symposium and attended General Faculties Council (GFC) orientation. Vice-president operations and finance Kevin Dang said that he met with SU staff about the current redevelopment of the Speaker’s Corner. Vice-president student life Nabila Farid reported registering three clubs and hosting a mental health workshop.
During committee chair reports, Farid reported that the clubs committee approved two funding requests from SU clubs for a total of $202.
During faculty representative reports, business representative Ananya Ayachit said that she launched a Case Competition Program for first year Haskayne School of Business students. Science representative Sadiya Nazir reported she is trying to find out why the Science Collaborative Space still has no printer, despite a work request having been submitted for it by her predecessors.
SLC members also voted by ballot to fill one spot on the operations and finance committee. The evening concluded with a resolution to grant GFC term excusals for five faculty representatives who are unable to attend GFC due to time conflicts. The resolution passed with abstentions by the five representatives.
The next meeting of SLC will be on Sept. 25 at 6:30 p.m. in the MacHall Executive Council Chambers. Access elected official reports, trimester reports, minutes and all other SLC documents here.