Who’s Who in the SU: Faculty of Science Rep Angie Hu
By Kristy Koehler, October 1 2019—
In an effort to introduce new — or even continuing — students to representatives in the Students’ Union and in the Students’ Legislative Council, the Gauntlet is running the series, ‘Who’s Who in the SU.’ We introduced you to the executives, now let’s meet the Faculty Representatives. Faculty of Science Representative Angie Hu tells her story.
The Gauntlet: What do you do in your role?
Angie Hu: I serve and represent the students in my faculty as well as students-at-large. My role as Faculty of Science Representative consists of discussing student issues and providing a student perspective at regular council and committee meetings, supporting and improving the Students’ Union services and programming, and working on my own platform initiatives throughout my term.
G: Why did you run for your role?
AH: Student advisory and advocacy has always been a great interest of mine. I was a Student Advisory Council member for two years at the Leadership and Student Engagement (LSE) Office and also worked to develop and improve student life programming for over a year. I decided to run for Faculty of Science Representative because it provides me with a large platform to serve and represent students through valuable opportunities to engage with students and work with university staff, administrators, and student leaders. Furthermore, having received a tremendous amount of support from programs, services, and individuals at the university over the years in the form of invaluable resources and mentorship, I wish to use the insights I have received and my own experiences and passions support other students as best as I can.
G: What do you specifically plan to do within your role?
AH: Participating in research abroad has allowed me to recognize the immense value of international educational experiences. Therefore, a big focus of mine this year is to help advance internationalization at both the faculty and university level. I will be working with the Faculty of Science and the Study Abroad office to host events and develop initiatives for promoting and increasing accessibility and feasibility of international study and research experiences for students. Specifically, some projects include hosting coffee chats for students thinking about going — and that have gone — abroad to discuss ideas, share personal experiences and exchange resources and advice. I also hope to garner the support of faculty members to champion international experiences through promotion within their classroom and providing guidance in seeking opportunities and the application process.
As science is a very large faculty with over ten departments and multidisciplinary programs, another goal of mine is to further develop the sense of community within the faculty. Together with my fellow science representatives, Manpreet Sahota and Michael Nguyen, we will continue to host community-building events, increase collaboration with the numerous science clubs on campus, and support the fantastic Faculty of Science student engagement initiatives, such as the Science Mentorship Program and Science Ambassador Program.
G: For someone who doesn’t know what Students’ Legislative Council is, how would you describe it? And how would you describe what it does?
AH: The Students’ Legislative Council (SLC) is comprised of Faculty Representatives, elected by the students of their specific faculty, and five executives, elected by students-at-large. The role of the SLC is to meet regularly to discuss and make decisions on issues, programs, and/or topics that are pertinent to students. SLC meetings occur on Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers — weekly during fall/winter sessions and biweekly during spring/summer sessions. To gain more information and follow the ongoing matters addressed by SLC members, all are welcome to attend the SLC meetings, as well as access the meeting agendas, minutes and council member reports, available on the Students’ Union website.
G: A year from now, when you are done your role, what do you want to look back on and see?
AH: I hope to look back and see that my internationalization goals have been realized, with an increase in the number of students applying for and participating in global study abroad and research programs, as well as the implementation of long-term university initiatives that will continue to encourage and support international experiences. Furthermore, I hope that my fellow science reps and I will have continued the wonderful legacy of the science reps before us. Whether it is at the level of improving and organizing new faculty programs and events or through assisting students on a person-to-person level, I hope to look back and see that we have made a positive impact on students in both the Faculty of Science and the greater University of Calgary community.
G: What’s one thing that you’ve learned now that you wish you had learned in the past?
AH: Throughout my time at the university and the first few months in my SU role, I learned that there are an immense amount of resources, support, and opportunities on campus for students. From programs and services provided by the university and the Student’s Union (such as Career Services workshops and events, the SU Volunteer Program, and the Campus Food Bank, just to name a few), to the hundreds of student clubs and Active Living activities on campus, to the plethora of awards and scholarships as well as funding for research and student projects – the possibility for students to seek guidance, discover new interests, and get involved, are endless. I would highly recommend students to explore as much as possible all that is available to them on campus – and even if they can’t find what they are looking for, they can always start it themselves or campaign to have it implemented!
G: How can students get in contact with you if they need you?
AH: The best way to reach me is through email at science1@su.ucalgary.ca or through the Science Representatives Facebook @ScienceRepsUofC. I also would like to let students know that in addition to being their representative and advocate, I am here as a mentor and source of support. I am more than happy to answer questions and offer advice on different areas of university life, from academics to extracurricular – and if I am unable to give you an answer, I will try my best to direct you to someone who can!