Department of History creates new embedded certificate in Canadian Studies
By Enobong Ukpong, May 31 2021—
The Department of History recently created the Embedded Certificate in Canadian Studies, a credential that replaces and streamlines its Canadian Studies major.
This interdisciplinary credential is designed to be completed concurrently with a degree program, giving students a Canadian perspective on their discipline.
First, students will focus on Canada from a historical perspective in two courses, then, they have the choice of courses in the arts, the sciences, business and education.
Any student at the University of Calgary can apply for an Embedded Certificate of Canadian Studies, not just History majors. Dr. Paul Stortz, Canadian Studies program coordinator, encourages students of all disciplines to apply for it.
“It demonstrates to people that you’re interested in interdisciplinary study, in the federation of Canada, of the nation of Canada, of how Canada works,” said Stortz. “We have found over time that […] employers have a great deal of interest in Canada themselves, and putting this certificate of interest and curiosity on your CV makes a very, very good accompanying document or credential to whatever your major is.”
Stortz once again emphasized the interdisciplinary nature of the program.
“With Canada, the world’s your oyster in terms of what you want to look at and how you want to approach your own personal study of the nation and make it resonate within your own identity and psyche.”
To apply, first talk to the Arts Students’ Centre to see if this certificate is right for you. Then, add the program to your student centre — Under the “Admissions” header, select “Change of Program” and complete the online application to add the embedded certificate to your degree. More details of the program can be found here.