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10 signs you peaked in high school

By Josie Simon, August 20 2024— 

We often hear, “High school is the best time of your life.” Quite a statement, isn’t it? This can lead us to seek the thrill and vitality of our teenage years throughout life. However, the idea that high school is the apex of one’s life is more myth than reality. But, for some, the grip of high school glory days remains strong. How do we know if we’re among those who peaked during these years? Here are ten clear signs:

1. You still idolize the popular kids: If the high school “cool” crowd remains your standard of success, it’s a strong sign your peak may have been in those hallways. Remember, being on the student council or the star athlete doesn’t define lifelong success.

2. Facebook reminders are your memory lane: If your social media feed is more of a high school flashback than present experiences, chances are your best days were in the past. Constant nostalgia about your skinny days and wrestling wins could signify early peaking.

3. The gym is your therapy: You were the dodgeball king or queen. Today, the gym is the closest you can get to reliving those glorious gym class victories. The adrenaline rush of a high school game squeezed into a 45-minute workout.

4. The job hunt has gone cold: Are you job-hopping, or worse, relying on your parents despite that “most likely to succeed” accolade in high school? If your career path is as erratic as your teenage years, you may have peaked in high school.

5. “Back in my day” is your catchphrase: This phrase is your refuge to an era you greyingly fondly remember as ‘the period of greatness.’

6. Your spotify playlist is a time machine: If your playlist makes people question what generation you’re from, it shows your attachment to those unforgettable high school days.

7. The tattoo: Many of us make rebellious decisions in high school, like getting a tattoo. If this lifelong ink now serves as a sentimental reminder of your “golden years,” it may signify a high school peak.

8. The “I’m just a kid” excuse: Do you often shrug off responsibilities or dodge grown-up tasks with an “I’m just a kid” excuse? If you’re still clinging to the Peter Pan syndrome, treating adulthood like a long, drawn-out extension of your teenage years, that’s a sign you peaked in high school.

9. The reunion stalker: Are you the enthusiastic planner of high school reunions, trying to recreate that old magic in a room filled with bald, wrinkled versions of your pals? It’s time to accept reality.

10. Life is Al Bundy’s monologue: If your life story begins with a dramatic “When I was in High School,” it’s time to realize your biography might need a few new chapters.

As comforting as nostalgia might be, it shouldn’t anchor us in the past. If you found yourself nodding along this list, it’s time to live in the present. Don’t let high school be your peak; life offers endless opportunities. Embrace today, let go of your high school persona and get excited for the journey ahead.

This article is part of our humour section.

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