2022 SU General Election Full Supplement

Photo by Matty Hume

SLC gears up for fall 2018 in Aug. 14 meeting

By Matty Hume, August 16 2018 —

It was business as usual for the Aug. 14 meeting of the Students’ Legislative Council (SLC). The meeting focused on municipal advocacy priorities, an extra-budgetary expenditure and proposed amendments to the SLC Code of Conduct.

After quorum check and treaty recognition, Students’ Union vice-president operations and finance Kevin Dang invited members of SLC to welcome two refugee students at the airport upon their arrival in Calgary for the fall semester.

During executive reports, SU president Sagar Grewal reported on continuing MacHall renovation consultations with Dang and meeting with city councillors, members of the legislative assembly and a member of Parliament. He also reported work on the “get-out-the-vote” campaign, an initiative to encourage student participation in elections at all levels and a potential partnership with the non-partisan political awareness organization Apathy is Boring.

Grewal also noted his involvement as the undergraduate representative on the Presidential Transition Committee. This University of Calgary committee will exist during the first year of the new U of C president’s term. Current president Elizabeth Cannon is leaving the role effective Dec. 31.

Dang reported attending a meeting with the Policy Development and Review Committee, meeting with Student Services staff to prepare for the two incoming refugee students and meeting with the Office of Sustainability.

SU vice-president academic Jessica Revington reported on the progress of the upcoming annual Dean’s Dinner, while vice-president student life Nabila Farid reported attending a meeting with the Indigenous Strategy Grants Adjudication Committee.

Many faculty representatives reported preparation for orientation days, which will take place on Sept. 4 and 5 this fall semester.

Next, Grewal presented the SU’s updated municipal advocacy priorities, which can be read here. According to Grewal, the SU has four primary advocacy priorities: an electronic transit fare system, an administrative-tribunal system for offences such as transit tickets, long-term access to municipal voting on campus and the creation of a consultative body between the City of Calgary, post-secondary institutions and their students’ associations.

Dang later put forward details for an extra-budgetary expense for the construction of an emergency exit for the Den & Black Lounge patio. The $33,373 expenditure was approved unanimously.

Before the meeting concluded, SLC members discussed proposed amendments to the SLC Code of Conduct. The amendments include the creation of a new section titled “Students’ Union Elections,” with the purpose of outlining rules regarding the involvement of elected officials in student elections. Faculty representatives put forward concerns of clarity, conflict of interest and the document’s relation to the SU’s election manual. Discussions will continue in future meetings of SLC. The proposed amendments can be read here.

The next meeting of SLC will be on Aug. 28 at 6:30 p.m. in the MacHall Executive Council Chambers. Access executive reports, minutes and all other SLC documents here.

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