Photos by Mariah Wilson and Matty Hume

BOG report, provincial tuition announcement central at spooky SLC

By Matty Hume, November 5 2018 —

Students’ Union executives and faculty representatives arrived in their Halloween best for the Oct. 30 meeting of Students’ Legislative Council. The meeting began with a report on the Oct. 19 University of Calgary Board of Governors meeting from BOG student-at-large Frank Finley.

Finley said the board was not “stamping final approval” at the meeting, instead reviewing agenda items to be returned to committees for reform and discussion. A major item discussed by the BOG was the Presidential Reappointment Policy Terms of Reference, which has not been updated since 1993, according to Finley. He added that a committee will be struck for all future presidential appointments with guaranteed student representation.

Finley also reported BOG discussions on IT improvements, the Climate Action Plan, classroom and facility refurbishment and the sustainability studies undergraduate program.

The meeting continued with executive reports. SU president Sagar Grewal reported attending various meetings and committee activities, including meetings with Minister of Economic Development and Trade Deron Bilous as well as the president of the Residence Students’ Association.

SU vice-president academic Jessica Revington reported attending a Taylor Institute Spaces Committee meeting and sitting on an appeal with the General Faculties Council Committee.

VP student life Nabila Farid’s report included planning for Pluralism and Religious Diversity Week as well as Sex and Gender Week, while VP operations and finance Kevin Dang reported Quality Money Project meetings with SU staff, attending a meeting regarding the U of C’s Alcohol Policy and joining a Substance Use Advisory Working Group meeting.

VP external Anayat Sidhu was not present at SLC. Her submitted report included being in Edmonton for a provincial government announcement and working on transitioning into the VP external role.

During committee chair reports, Revington reported the Teaching and Excellence Awards Committee met for orientation and Dang reported the Operations and Finance Committee discussed upcoming SU social media channels

During question period, Farid asked Grewal to elaborate on the provincial government announcement in Edmonton. Grewal outlined the Alberta New Democratic Party’s recently tabled Bill 19, which would cap post-secondary tuition to the Consumer Price Index.

The meeting concluded with a report on the October SU byelection. According to Grewal, the byelection went over budget by approximately $450, due to promotional materials including banners, T-shirts and candy.

The next meeting of SLC will be on Nov. 6 at 6:30 p.m. in the MacHall Executive Council Chambers. Access elected official reports, trimester reports, minutes and all other SLC documents here.

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