UCalgary offers free parking in light of two more positive cases
By Nikayla Goddard, March 23 2020 —
All University of Calgary parking lots will be offering free parking, effective Tuesday March 24 until the work-from-home suggestion is lifted. This is a step up from UCalgary’s original decision to offer free parking in Lot 10 and McMahon Stadium.
UCalgary cited this decision as part of their effort to “decrease community transmission of COVID-19, including asking all faculty and staff who can perform their work from home to do so, until further notice.”
In addition to a Science faculty member who tested positive for COVID-19, two more individuals who are part of the Haskayne School of Business and on the Spy Hill campus, respectively, tested positive.
“The affected individual from Haskayne was exposed to the university campus from March 11 to 13. The individual at the Spy Hill campus was last on-site March 10. Both individuals are now in self-isolation and, as per standard practice for all cases of COVID-19, [Alberta Health Services] AHS has directly contacted any individual considered exposed to these cases,” UCalgary stated.
So while parking is free, “Only those that are performing functions that require them to be on site should work on campus,” President Ed McCauley stated. “You should not unduly fear a building that has had a positive case. But neither should you take false comfort in a building that has not had one. Take sensible precautions: Practice social distancing. Wash your hands regularly. Avoiding touching your face. It is also vitally important that we self-isolate if we are feeling ill. Do not assume it is “just a cold.” If you have traveled outside of Canada, you must be in self-isolation. Take aggressive action to protect the most vulnerable among us.”
In addition to free parking, students with semester permits can request a refund by contacting Parking Services. Faculty are requested to strictly limit their access and presence on campus, as well as refrain from taking any office supplies or equipment home.