Photo by Tanvi Sankar

FROSH 2021: Mental health on campus

By Sophia Lopez, September 6 2021—

With COVID-19 hitting us last year and having spent an entire year and a half learning online, it’s important to make sure we’re getting the mental health help that we need. This experience has been extremely challenging for all of us, and there is no shame in seeking help if we need it. Here is a list of resources you can reach out to if you are in need of any support.

The Women’s Resource Centre

The Women’s Resource Centre (WRC) is a safe space on campus that promotes gender equality and a more inclusive campus environment. Students are welcome to come to the space to study, have lunch or just simply chat with others. The WRC is located on the fourth floor of the MacEwan Student Centre in room 482, and can be reached by email at or by phone at (403) 220-8551.

The Q Centre: Students’ Union Centre for Sexual & Gender Diversity

The Q Centre is a safe space on campus that provides support for the LGBTQA+ community and their allies. Here you can socialize with others who are a part of the community, and also have the opportunity to join their mentorship program. The Q Centre is located on the second floor of the MacEwan Student Centre in room 210, and can be reached by email at or by phone at (403) 220-4460.

The Faith and Spirituality Centre 

The Faith and Spirituality Centre is a safe space for people religious or nonreligious to participate in religious traditions and explore religious communities. All are welcome at the space ­­— it does not discriminate based on sexual orientation or gender identity and welcomes people from all different religious, spiritual or secular traditions. The Faith and Spirituality Centre is located on the fourth floor of the MacEwan Student Centre in room 487, and can be reached by email at or by phone at (403) 220-5451.

Student Wellness Services 

Student Wellness Services is an on-campus resource for students who seek support for their physical and mental health. From providing COVID-19 vaccines to massage therapy, this resource provides a wide range of services for students. Student Wellness Services is located on the third floor of the MacEwan Student Centre in room 370, and can be reached by phone at (403) 210-9355.

The International Student Services 

International Student Services (ISS) is an on-campus resource that provides international students with support and programs that can help them adjust to the University of Calgary and Canada in general. Their website helps out students by giving advice on situations such as where to buy food and finding a job on campus, among others. The ISS is located on the second floor of the MacEwan Student Centre in room 275, and can be reached by email at 

The Writing Symbols Lodge 

The Writing Symbols Lodge is a safe space on campus for prospective and current First Nations, Métis and Inuit students. This resource provides services and programs to support Indigenous students as they pursue higher education. The Writing Symbols Lodge is located on the third floor of the MacEwan Student Centre in room 390, and can be reached by email at or by phone at (403) 220-6034.

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