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Photo by Mariah Wilson

FROSH 2021: Campus experiences to look forward to

By Olufunke Ogunmefun and Enobong Ukpong, September 24 2021—

Now that the Fall 2021 semester is upon us, we’ve thought a lot about what we’re hoping to experience again for the first time in nearly two years. The pandemic has painted most things pre-quarantine in a golden light, so here are some of those things that we are stoked to experience in person come this fall.

Olufunke Ogunmefun:

Imaginus Poster Fair:

One of my favourite U of C on-campus experiences simply has to be the week-long Imaginus poster sale. This event occurs twice every academic year—once in the fall semester and once in the winter semester—and is consistently met with excitement and an excellent turnout. Each semester, the poster sale features a myriad of posters with subjects ranging from classic album covers to TV show posters to obscure paintings of exotic animals — the list is as unpredictable as it is expansive. The posters are arranged in a fun maze that I often spend far too much time exploring nearly every single day of the sale, right after my classes. 


I’m really excited to organize and volunteer at events for the Nigerian Students’ Association! I’m on the club’s executive team and I’m so excited to hopefully meet lots of new first-year club members at our events and at Clubs’ Week this fall. The club has been an immense part of my journey at U of C and I always look forward to seeing both new and familiar faces around campus at club events.

Enobong Ukpong: 

Campus Walks:

I’m really excited to have a reason to walk around on campus. I really miss the anxious speedwalking when you’re nearly late for a class. Or the mocking sting of frostbite on your fingers when it’s -30 degrees and you decided not to bring your gloves with you because you didn’t want to take them off when you used your phone. I miss walking too close to the geese but giving the rabbits a wide berth. In September, I will definitely complain that the ten-minute walk between my dorm and my classes is simply too strenuous, but right now I’m eager to stretch my legs.


I’m also looking forward to going to the library. I’m excited to go to the fifth floor — in my freshman year someone told me that was the coolest floor and I never stopped to question it — and spread my textbooks on one of those wide tables right across from the windows. There I can watch the sun set in oranges and yellows, squint when the light gets into my eyes and go home when I inevitably forget to bring my laptop charger.

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