Photo by Mackenzie Ashcroft

Senate report given at SLC

By: Julieanne Acosta, November 30 2021 —

This week’s Student Legislative Council (SLC) was held on Nov. 23. The main topic of discussion was a consultation by Senator Shagufta Farheen and Senator Armaan Sidhu which consisted of a Senate report.

The two student-at-large representatives for the Senate gave a report regarding the Senate meeting that was held on Nov. 18. 

“Most of it was quite a unique discussion. It started with a couple highlights from the chancellor and vice-chancellor on the fall convocation,” said Farheen. She went on to say that they talked about the feedback they had received from interactions with students and families that were at the event.

Cross-committee collaboration was also discussed at the meeting and Farheen explained that the Senate is discussing ways in which these collaborations can take place efficiently. 

“We talked about cross-committee collaboration,” said Farheen about her interaction in a breakout room. “At the moment the Senate is experiencing — I wouldn’t say troubles — more so issues in overlaps happening across committees in the Senate. We want to ensure that those overlaps are not happening and everyone across all committees knows what is going on.” 

Aside from committee updates, Farheen went on to discuss the United Way campaign. 

“According to the presentation, last year’s campaign was successful due to the hope that was there for going back to normalcy after COVID.” 

The United Way campaign works to create positive change in the community and Farheen encouraged those present at the meeting to share the initiative. The University of Calgary’s goal for the 2021 campaign is to raise $625,000. 

The last point discussed by the Senate representatives was the presentation of COVID-19 updates during the Senate meeting, where they addressed the successes of the testing protocols, challenges and mental health issues going back into in-person operations. 

Agendas, minutes and upcoming meetings for SLC can be found online

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