Photo by Mariah Wilson

Pi Week supports Calgary Urban Project Society

By Sophia Lopez, March 9 2020
with files from Nikayla Goddard

The annual celebration of Pi Week, hosted by the Engineering Student’s Society, is right around the corner. From Mar. 9-13, two engineering students, Kate Zakresky and Nathalie Drzewiecki, will be co-directing this fun, messy event. 

For those unaware of the event, students, professors and corporate offices can purchase pies for $5. When purchasing a pie, you can direct it to a person of your choice. The person you direct the pie to can either accept the pie to the face, or redirect it to someone else for an additional $5. Although these are the rules, in no way does that force anyone to receive a pie to face. Pies have already gone on sale and will start being delivered March 9. You are free to purchase a pie throughout that week.  

Since it is Drzewiecki’s first year both at the University of Calgary and co-directing this event, she is very eager to be participating and promoting how the money made during the week is going towards the local Calgary Urban Project Society (CUPS). 

“It’s one of the longest-lasting traditions we have in the Engineering Student’s Society,” she says. 

Drzewiecki states how the fundraising goal for the engineering community is $6,000. With this said, Drzewiecki makes sure to point out how although the event is mainly associated with the engineering department, it doesn’t mean that it isn’t inclusive of other faculties and students. 

“We would love the opportunity for our story to be shared and to encourage donations to CUPS from the broader community,” said Drzewiecki. “The main event is for engineering students but obviously there’s events with residence and Students’ Union and such.”

Make sure to carry an extra $5 with you, because this fun and charitable event is taking place all week. Even if you are not purchasing a pie, you might have to dodge one. As mentioned previously, the proceeds to this event are going towards a local charity which helps those living in poverty or have experienced different kinds of trauma. This event is a great way to have some fun and help the community.

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