Photo by Mariah Wilson

U of C to provide two free reusable masks to students

By Kristy Koehler, July 29 2020—

The University of Calgary will be providing two complimentary reusable masks to each student prior to the commencement of the Fall term. This will help students to comply with the the City of Calgary’s Mask Bylaw, which comes into effect on Aug. 1. 

When the bylaw was introduced, students wondered how the mandatory mask policy would impact their time on the U of C campus. The City of Calgary’s communications department provided the following information:

“The mandatory face coverings bylaw applies to indoor public spaces, excluding any spaces where enrollment is required. Attending class at a post-secondary institution requires enrollment, therefore would not apply under the bylaw, but post-secondary institutions may create and enact their own policies on the wearing of face coverings in their buildings and facilities. Any areas on campus that are readily available to the public, such as the food court or common meeting areas, would require face coverings under the bylaw.”

Today, U of C released information clarifying just how the mask bylaw will apply to students. While hallways, washrooms and elevators are considered public spaces and will require a mask, U of C noted that “in classrooms, students can remove the mask once seated, and as long as they maintain a two-metre distance from others.”

Employees will not be required to wear masks in their offices, so long as those offices are not public-facing. 

A website has been set up to communicate the most up-to-date mask protocols. More information will be released about the complimentary mask distribution in the coming weeks.

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