2022 SU General Election Full Supplement

2023 SU general election: Faculty of Social Work representative

Along with the responsibilities outlined for all Students’ Legislative Council (SLC) members, faculty representatives are accountable for responsibilities particular to their role including: Reporting to students of their faculty the policies, positions and programs of the Students’ Union (SU), reporting to their faculty itself (like Dean’s Council) the policies, positions and programs of the SU, representing student constituents of their faculty at SLC, representing student constituents of their faculty on university committees and reporting to the VP Academic on matters of academic importance within their faculty.


Jessica Klaassen did not interview with the Gauntlet, so here’s what students can expect from her solely based on her platform. 

Klaassen is a third-year social work student looking to dip her toes into student politics. She gathered experience over the years with her first degree in Cultural Anthropology, working in victim services and providing crisis support for 10 years. 

She has listened to her fellow faculty members and says she wants to address social work students’ concerns, but it’s unclear what those concerns are as she does not mention that in her platform. This also goes for her saying she wants the campus community to be safer.

Klaassen hopes to use a strengths-based, anti-oppressive, and system approach if elected.

While Klaassen is relying on her previous experience and has no actual platform points with goals she wants to achieve, it’s clear she wants this role and is passionate about helping others. She also urges students to stop her to say “hi,” ask a question or share a fun fact.

All undergraduate students in the Faculty of Social Work can vote YES or NO on their ballot for Jessica Klaassen as FACULTY REPRESENTATIVE or ABSTAIN from voting.

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