2023 SU general election: Werklund School of Education representative
Along with the responsibilities outlined for all Students’ Legislative Council (SLC) members, faculty representatives are accountable for responsibilities particular to their role including: Reporting to students of their faculty the policies, positions and programs of the Students’ Union (SU), reporting to their faculty itself (like Dean’s Council) the policies, positions and programs of the SU, representing student constituents of their faculty at SLC, representing student constituents of their faculty on university committees and reporting to the VP Academic on matters of academic importance within their faculty.
Elsa Stokes is a student in the concurrent education and French program. She is running uncontested and is planning to continue the past resolutions introduced by the former Werklund representative while also introducing new initiatives of her own.
Stokes explained that the majority of her platform points are centred around strengthening the former initiatives put in place as they are benefitting Werklund students. These include the continuation of the distribution of de-stress kits, spreading awareness about the U of C’s Teaching Across Borders program, creating a resource bank for education students and informing students about mental health events.
As for new action items that she plans to implement, these include strengthening the relationship between the faculty and the Education Students’ Association, creating an International Teaching Opportunities Resource Bank and establishing a Werklund alumni symposium.
As an executive within the Education Students Association, Stokes believes that this provides a great resource for Werklund students to network with each other. This is especially helpful for concurrent students who may not have the early opportunity to meet other Werklund students. Additionally, she hopes to establish an alumni symposium to demonstrate the versatility and opportunities that come with an education degree.
As someone who has been afforded the opportunity to study abroad, she hopes to maintain an International Opportunity Resource Bank for students to learn about international opportunities. Stokes believes that international experience provides an avenue for Werklund students to immerse themselves within other cultures that would not only benefit them, but their future students as well.
With her opportunity-informed platform, Stokes hopes to be able to represent Werklund students in the coming year.
All undergraduate students in the Werklund School of Education can vote YES or NO on their ballot for Elsa Stokes as FACULTY REPRESENTATIVE or ABSTAIN from voting.