2023 SU general election: Haskayne School of Business representatives
Along with the responsibilities outlined for all Students’ Legislative Council (SLC) members, faculty representatives are accountable for responsibilities particular to their role including: Reporting to students of their faculty the policies, positions and programs of the Students’ Union (SU), reporting to their faculty itself (like Dean’s Council) the policies, positions and programs of the SU, representing student constituents of their faculty at SLC, representing student constituents of their faculty on university committees and reporting to the VP Academic on matters of academic importance within their faculty.
Hari Singh is a second-year finance student who is tired of the underrepresentation the Haskayne School of Business has in the SU.
Singh has been collecting complaints from students in order to come up with four platform points that he hopes will help the Haskayne community: more PASS sessions, addressing Mathison issues, better accessibility to student resources, and creating an oversight committee.
His first point about expanding the PASS sessions program and tutorial sessions for senior-level courses stems from the lack of resources for test preparation available for business students. By expanding the PASS sessions, he hopes students feel better about test-taking, especially for some tests that don’t reflect the course content as much. Singh says that this is his first priority if elected.
The new Mathison Hall building was meant to benefit Haskayne students, and while he admits the building is great, Singh believes the ongoing IT, heating and Wi-Fi problems need to be addressed as soon as possible. He plans on submitting a Quality Money application if necessary too.
Singh also believes that there are many resources available for business students that they just don’t know about, such as job hunting programs, so he wants to highlight those. He also plans on creating a Haskayne Student Oversight Committee, as he thinks that student voices need to be heard more when changes to Haskayne’s 2025 strategic plan are being made.
His past experience in leadership roles such as being the vice-president external for the Indian Student Association and having served on the Residence Wellness Council and Business Academic Council for residence show that he is a passionate international student who has taken the time to analyze what students in his faculty really need.
Overall, Singh is a strong candidate for this position.
All undergraduate students in the Haskayne School of Business can vote on their ballot YES or NO for Hari Singh as one of two FACULTY REPRESENTATIVE or ABSTAIN from voting.
MD Asif Khan is another candidate for this position, but he did not interview with the Gauntlet, so here’s what students can expect from him solely based on his platform.
Khan is also an international second-year finance student who wants to be a voice for students in business. He has three main points on his platform: arrange more career fairs and workshops, help establish more grants and bursaries, and create more awareness of mental health resources.
To ensure business students are properly equipped for any internships and the outside world, Khan wants to advocate for more career fairs and business workshops to help students with networking, interview skills and resume building.
Right now, many students are facing financial strain when it comes to tuition, so Khan wants to establish new grants and bursaries specifically for business students who need them.
In order to raise more mental health awareness, Khan wants to create weekly wellness afternoons where students can meet new people and take part in stress-relieving activities.
While it’s unclear how he’ll approach his goals and achieve them based on just his platform, Khan’s ideas do seem like concerns students would be happy to see addressed.
All undergraduate students in the Haskayne School of Business can vote on their ballot YES or NO for Hari Singh as one of two FACULTY REPRESENTATIVE or ABSTAIN from voting.