Student forced to hitchhike after being kicked out of vehicle for corny joke
By Melanie Woods, September 10 2015 —
Last weekend, third-year psychology major Melodie Wilson was forced to hitchhike over 130 kilometres on the TransCanada after being ejected from the car she had been riding in with friends.
Wilson reportedly made a terrible pun and was asked by driver Sarah Abrams to immediately exit the vehicle.
“The four of us had been hiking near Lake Louise and were just on our way back,” Wilson said. “It was a really fun day. We climbed a mountain and saw, like, waterfalls and this kick-ass meadow and shit.”
The group was reportedly having a light-hearted conversation about Greek salad. They were debating hypothetical cheese combinations when Abrams brought up the potential of cheddar in Greek salad.
That’s when Wilson made her move.
“I said, ‘well I prefer feta, because you know, it’s betta’ than chedda’,’” Wilson said. “Then I paused for laughter, because c’mon, that’s a quality joke right there.”
Wilson said Abrams looked at her blank-faced and immediately demanded that she leave.
“Next thing I knew I was on the side of the road,” Wilson said. “She just pulled over, unlocked the passenger door and wouldn’t do anything else until I’d gotten out of the car. None of my other friends said a word.”
Wilson managed to hitchhike her way back to Calgary over the course of 36 hours.
“I ran into some trouble between Canmore and Cochrane,” Wilson said. “I was riding with this friendly trucker who seemed super chill. We were listening to the radio when I leaned over and said, “Wow, this song sure has a great Melodie.’”
Wilson was left to find another ride into the city after that incident.
Despite the turmoil, severe dehydration and two days of her life wasted, Wilson said she still doesn’t regret making the original joke.
“I mean, the feta joke was a little . . . cheesy,” she said. “Get it? Feta, cheesy, jokes, laughter.”
Wilson was denied the opportunity for further comment.