Humour // Q and A with the elusive Robert McDavid
By Tina Shaygan, March 21 2017 —
A few weeks ago, the University of Calgary Wildrose on Campus student club garnered national attention after sending an email that read, “you and I both know feminism is cancer.” The email was intended to advertise a screening of the men’s rights documentary The Red Pill on March 8, International Women’s Day.
After the incident, members of WROC said that the person responsible for the email — Robert McDavid — had been fired. While the search for the real McDavid still continues, we sat down with Robbie — who totally exists and gave us this definitely legit, not satirical interview — for an exclusive look into his thoughts, ambitions and what made him send that email in the first place. His answers will shock you.
The Gauntlet : What was the process that went behind planning and sending the now infamous “feminism is cancer” email?
Robert McDavid: Everyone knows the WROC has been struggling for the past few years. Its slow, painful death was hard for me to see and I decided to pull the plug. I asked myself not what the club can do for me, but what I can do for the club. So I burnt that motherfucker to the ground.
G: Tell me about The Red Pill screening.
M: Men suffer too. We need to talk about that. You know, I have a penis. That used to get you places in life, but it doesn’t anymore. Now people are posting shit like “the future is female” without any regards for my feelings. Men suffer too. We really do.
G: Can you please explain what you mean by that? What are some of the issues?
M: These out-of-touch, elitist feminists keep talking about things like ‘the wage gap.’ But have any of these damn feminists even been friendzoned before? You treat the girl like a human and she won’t even have sex with you. These are the real issues we care about. The issues we try to raise awareness about.
G: Your Facebook profile said you enrolled in the Schulich School of Engineering in 2014. But the WROC says you’re a first-year. What’s that about?
M: I am in my first year. Between trolling people on Twitter, Facebook and Reddit, I really have no time left for school. People don’t understand how hard it is. You troll women on social media and they actually respond. What’s that all about? Ignore the trolls if you don’t want to be harassed. It’s really a simple solution, if you actually try.
G: I mean, I don’t think it’s that simple?
M: It is, though. If you dislike the trolls, then don’t feed the trolls. Just ignore them. Nobody has more respect for women than I do. So I’m telling you, stop asking for it. It’s 2017.
G: Your name is now known across the province. How are you handling the fame?
M: I mean, it’s sweet that my name is out there. I’ve even been offered a position on Kellie Leitch’s campaign team. But anyone from the WROC could have sent that email. I don’t deserve this.
G: Any last words you’d like our readers to know, Robbie?
M: I don’t know why you’re all so worked up over this. I am just exercising my right to free speech and this email was definitely a class act.
This article is part of our humour section.