Professor deceives students, waits until drop date to unleash fury

By Mitali Pradhan, October 19 2018 —
This semester, first-year student Sam Baguel took it upon himself to master the art of finding the perfect professor. After reading reviews online, he began the semester with absolute certainty in his choices. Little did he know that one of his professors has a PhD in deception studies.
Naively, Baguel trusted the instructor’s exceptionally high ratings on RateMyProfessor.com. During the entire first week of classes, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Baguel’s first impression of his professor was that he was humorous, endearingly sarcastic and easy-going.
But the bubble soon burst for Baguel and his classmates. With the acting chops of a seasoned Hollywood veteran, the professor fooled all 367 of the students who chose to stay in his class. The day after the drop date, every student regretted the decision.
“He could definitely win an Oscar, the way he duped us all,” commented one student.
The professor’s personality reared its ugly head only after first trapping the students. His sarcasm turned into scornful insults at those who asked questions and his easy classes turned agonizingly difficult. With the student’s last chance at escaping the professor gone with the drop date, their fate was sealed.
Though it was too late to change classes, Baguel stated that his strongly worded review at the top of his prof’s Rate My Professor page was his only revenge.
“Don’t let professors fool you,” Baguel said, shaking his head sorrowfully. “If you do get tricked though, make sure to select one star, and leave behind some strong words of disgust.”
This article is part of our humour section.