2023 SU general election: Faculty of Kinesiology representative
Along with the responsibilities outlined for all Students’ Legislative Council (SLC) members, faculty representatives are accountable for responsibilities particular to their role including: Reporting to students of their faculty the policies, positions and programs of the Students’ Union (SU), reporting to their faculty itself (like Dean’s Council) the policies, positions and programs of the SU, representing student constituents of their faculty at SLC, representing student constituents of their faculty on university committees and reporting to the VP Academic on matters of academic importance within their faculty.
Jessie Dinh is a hard-working kinesiology student who wants to continue her work as the Faculty of Kinesiology representative, along with initiating some more projects.
Her platform consists of three main points: academic action, inclusive action, and keeping it transparent. Since being the faculty representative after the by-election last fall, after already being the interim representative last summer, Dinh wants to continue meeting student needs.
After gathering complaints from fellow students, Dinh wants to do something about the inconsistent grading scale kinesiology students have in their classes. While this was a point on her platform during the by-election, the task has been harder to tackle even after conversations with the dean of the faculty, who said the grading scale was up to the professors’ discretion. She wants to make advocating for a more consistent grading scale a priority this election.
Dinh says that inclusive action is probably her most passionate point. After hearing a lot of positive feedback about the women’s-only fitness space in the kinesiology complex, Dinh wants to open up more available time slots during the week so that more students can attend.
When it comes to keeping things transparent, Dinh has been providing students with weekly SU resource updates on D2L, which she has received tons of positive feedback on. However, sometimes students don’t have time to read her written updates. Inspired by the Kinesiology Students’ Society’s newsletter, Dinh plans on making posters or something more picture-oriented and less wordy to better engage students — focusing on staying concise.
After completing her biggest goals of introducing a women’s weightlifting centre and a KNES 363 PASS program over the past year, Dinh is ready to keep going with more realistic platform points. She is a very strong candidate for this position and is realistic about her goals.
Ameen Alizada is another candidate for the position, but he did not interview with the Gauntlet, so here’s what students can expect from him solely based on his platform.
Decreasing the financial burden on students is a primary concern for Alizada, as he hopes to find “sustainable solutions” but does not explicitly describe how he plans to do so. However, he plans to advocate for transparency on how tuition is being spent by the university.
Alizada wishes to improve access to academic resources for kinesiology students. He will do this by targeting free tutoring and increasing research funding. He plans to increase student engagement by having “concrete” peer mentorship programs through physical activities.
While it’s unclear what the rest of his “many goals” are, Alizada at least seems eager for this role and will get right to work if elected.
All undergraduate students in the Faculty of Kinesiology can vote YES or NO on their ballot for one of the two candidates for FACULTY REPRESENTATIVE or ABSTAIN from voting.