Horoscope: Is it luck or is it…?
By Ramiro Bustamante Torres, March 17 2023—
Sometimes things work out in our favour, but whether it’s due to luck or something that we do unconsciously, only the stars know.
(February 19–March 20):
Is it luck or is it being more stubborn than a mule?
(March 21–April 19):
Is it luck or is it aggressively making a choice before it’s made for you?
(April 20–May 20):
Is it luck or is it keeping a healthy distance so nothing gets traced back to you?
(May 21–June 20):
Is it luck or is it the subtle string-pulling with all the connections you’ve made?
(June 21–July 22):
Is it luck or is it emotionally manipulating everyone a bit for things to go your way?
(July 23–August 22):
Is it luck or is it talking the talk so no one questions what you’re doing?
(August 23–September 22):
Is it luck or is it doing everything yourself so it goes the way you want it to?
(September 23–October 22):
Is it luck or is it weaponized incompetence?
(October 23–November 21):
Is it luck or is it hiding your intentions from everyone so no one goes against you?
(November 22–December 21):
Is it luck or is it flirting with the right people to get what you want?
(December 22–January 19):
Is it luck or is it tirelessly planning everything and having backups just in case?
(January 20–February 18):
Is it luck or is it already knowing what the worst-case scenario is because you’ve run a simulation of it at least 10 times in your head?
This article is part of our humour section.