2025 general election: Faculty of Kinesiology
In this year’s Students’ Union (SU) general election, one candidate is running uncontested for the Faculty of Kinesiology Representative. Along with the responsibilities outlined for all Students’ Legislative Council (SLC) members, faculty representatives are accountable for responsibilities particular to their role including: Reporting to students of their faculty the policies, positions and programs of the Students’ Union (SU), reporting to their faculty itself (like Dean’s Council) the policies, positions and programs of the SU, representing student constituents of their faculty at SLC, representing student constituents of their faculty on university committees and reporting to the VP Academic on matters of academic importance within their faculty.
Amanat Panech

Amanat Panech, a third-year Kinesiology student, has built her campaign around three key issues: increasing research visibility, strengthening mentorship opportunities and promoting gender inclusivity in sports.
Panech’s platform identifies issues that students in the faculty face, particularly regarding research accessibility and mentorship. She acknowledges that research opportunities exist but argues that students are often unaware of them.
“It’s really crazy because [jobs] range from physical activity to sports performance metrics, physiology and nutrition,” she said in her interview with the Gauntlet. “But people just don’t know because it’s not talked about.”
Her proposed solutions — leveraging social media, organizing workshops and pushing faculty members to promote research opportunities — are practical within the scope of her role. She also emphasizes word-of-mouth promotion and utilizing professors as a communication channel. This approach aligns well with the advocacy nature of the position.
One of Panech’s more ambitious goals is revamping the existing Kin Peer mentorship program. She critiques the current system as “very disconnected” and proposes a model where upper-year students are paired with first- and second-years for ongoing guidance.
“Wouldn’t it be so great if other people had a mentor like this?” she said, reflecting on the guidance she received from her sister, who was also a Kinesiology major.
Panech is particularly passionate about creating women-only intramural sports leagues. While this initiative is valuable, it depends on collaboration and availability with the Active Living office. As a faculty representative, she wouldn’t have the direct power to establish new leagues, but she could effectively advocate for them by gathering student interest and presenting a case to the appropriate stakeholders.
Panech has a clear understanding of student concerns and proposes realistic strategies to address them within the limits of the Faculty Representative role.
All undergraduate students in the Faculty of Kinesiology can vote YES or NO on their ballot for Amanat Panech for FACULTY REPRESENTATIVE or ABSTAIN from voting.