2022 SU general election: Faculty representative — Law
Along with the responsibilities outlined for all Students’ Legislative Council (SLC) members, faculty representatives are accountable for responsibilities particular to their role including: Reporting to students of their faculty the policies, positions and programs of the Students’ Union (SU), reporting to their faculty itself (like Dean’s Council) the policies, positions and programs of the SU, representing student constituents of their faculty at SLC, representing student constituents of their faculty on university committees and reporting to the VP Academic on matters of academic importance within their faculty.
The Gauntlet was unable to reach Saliha Haq for an interview, so we will only be commenting on her online platform for Faculty of Law representative.
Running uncontested, Haq is looking to represent students in the faculty for a second term.
She states in her platform that mental health is something that she will prioritize, as students prepare to make the jump back to in-person learning. She plans to work with the Wellness Centre to provide more accessible resources for law students next year.
Her hope to include mental health related events like stress-coping workshops and mental health awareness campaigns are typical of faculty representatives, but it is unclear how she will ensure busy law students are able to attend after-lecture workshops.
She also hopes to connect law students through more social events, by organizing panels to bridge the gap between upper-year law students and first-year law students.
It is also worth noting that Haq plans on reaching out to campus resources like the Q Centre, the Women’s Resource Centre, the Native Centre and the Faith and Spirituality Centre to better connect students and support accessibilities on campus.
Haq’s platform should be attainable as it is a direct copy of her platform from last year. While these initiatives are still important to advocate for, we are curious as to what she might do differently this time around to achieve her goals.
All undergraduate students in the Faculty of Law can vote YES or NO on their ballot for Saliha Haq as FACULTY REPRESENTATIVE or ABSTAIN from voting.