2022 SU general election: Faculty representative — Veterinary Medicine
Along with the responsibilities outlined for all Students’ Legislative Council (SLC) members, faculty representatives are accountable for responsibilities particular to their role including: Reporting to students of their faculty the policies, positions and programs of the Students’ Union (SU), reporting to their faculty itself (like Dean’s Council) the policies, positions and programs of the SU, representing student constituents of their faculty at SLC, representing student constituents of their faculty on university committees and reporting to the VP Academic on matters of academic importance within their faculty.
Another no-show for a Gauntlet interview, Lauren Stoffregen is running uncontested for Faculty of Veterinary Medicine representative. We will be commenting solely on the online platform provided.
While the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine often seems like they’re disconnected from the rest of the student body, Stoffregen hopes to continue representing these students and have their voices heard at SLC.
This will be Stoffregen’s second term as Veterinary Medicine rep, and identified external resources she will be using to advocate for change for students — like connecting with MLA Jackie Lovely for students who work in rural communities.
She also said that she will advocate for more financial support for students by advocating for the re-implementation of summer student wage subsidies as well as implementing financial incentives for students who find job opportunities in rural Alberta.
While Stoffregen recognizes that there is a general lack of SU services on the Spy Hill campus for students in the faculty, she plans on creating a resources list for students so that they are aware of the services available to them over the course of the school year.
One of the examples she cites on her platform is the lack of de-stress kits from the SU available at the Spy Hill campus. She plans on making specific de-stress kits for VetMed students so they may also benefit from this resourse.
Stoffregen has a solid understanding of what Veterinary students need, and has a feasible plan on how to advocate for them.
All undergraduate students in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine can vote YES or NO on their ballot for Lauren Stoffregen as FACULTY REPRESENTATIVE or ABSTAIN from voting.