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FROSH 2024: Group project survival tips

By Josie Simon, September 3 2024—

Group projects can be challenging, but you can navigate the collaboration smoothly with the right strategies in place. Here are some practical tips for success.

1. Create a group chat early

Set up a group chat as soon as possible to enhance communication among team members. This enables instant updates and discussions, ensuring everyone stays informed. Choose a platform like WhatsApp, Slack, or Discord that fits your team’s preferences.

2. Define clear roles

Assess each team member’s strengths and skills to assign tasks effectively. Clearly outline responsibilities to reduce confusion and ensure accountability. Be ready to reassess roles as the project progresses, as team dynamics may change.

3. Schedule regular check-ins

Setting regular meeting times to discuss progress and address any obstacles is crucial for maintaining momentum. Utilize video calls through platforms such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Keeping meetings short and focused will help maintain productivity and ensure everyone stays on track.

4. Set deadlines for each task

Break the project into smaller, manageable tasks with specific deadlines to reduce overwhelm and create a sense of urgency. Use a shared calendar to track milestones and individual deadlines, ensuring everyone knows what to expect.

5. Encourage collaboration

Sharing resources and information is vital for a successful group project. Utilize cloud storage options like Google Drive to share documents and materials easily. Additionally, create an environment that encourages brainstorming, where everyone can contribute ideas and provide feedback. 

6. Keep a positive attitude

Celebrating small wins throughout the project can help build morale and motivation among team members. Acknowledging these achievements reinforces progress and encourages continued effort. 

7. Address conflicts early

Address conflicts as soon as they arise. Encourage open communication to create a safe space for team members to voice their concerns. Work together to find compromises and solutions that satisfy everyone involved.

8. Document everything

Maintaining detailed records of decisions and discussions is essential for clarity and accountability. Take notes during meetings and keep a written log of key points using tools like Trello, Asana, or Google Docs. 

9. Embrace controlled chaos 

Embrace collaborative chaos as part of the creative process. Loosen your grip on rigid organization and trust your teammates to manage their tasks. Focus on outcomes rather than micromanaging every detail.

10. Reflect after completion

After completing the project, evaluate its strengths and weaknesses as a team. Discuss lessons learned and gather feedback to improve future collaborations.

By implementing these tips, you can enhance communication and collaboration within your team, leading to a more successful and enjoyable group project experience. Happy collaborating! 

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