2022 SU General Election Full Supplement

Graphic by Sylvia Lopez

FROSH 2024: A freshman’s guide to healthy and responsible sexual exploration

By Josie Simon,September 3 2024—

As a first-year student exploring your sexuality, it’s crucial to approach this aspect of your life with knowledge and care. The University of Calgary offers numerous resources to support you in this journey, ensuring you have access to the information and tools necessary for safe and fulfilling experiences.

Healthy sexuality encompasses expressing your desires safely, consensually and in a way that is personally fulfilling. It also means freedom from sexual violence.  

Safe sex 

Safety is paramount. Protect yourself and your partners against unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The university provides comprehensive STI screenings and access to student support advisors for guidance. Prescription birth control is available from Student Wellness Services, where professionals can help you choose the most suitable method.

Free sexual health products such as condoms, dams and female condoms are available at multiple campus locations, including the Women’s Resource Centre, the SU Q Centre and the SAWH office in HSC G740.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a significant concern, being the most common sexually transmitted infection with over 100 types. Some high-risk types can lead to various cancers. HPV spreads through skin-to-skin contact during sexual activity, often without visible symptoms. To combat this, the HPV-9 vaccine is available at Student Wellness Services, protecting against nine of the most harmful types. The Province of Alberta covers the cost for those 26 and under.

The University of Calgary offers a range of confidential sexual health services, including annual physical exams, STI screenings, contraception information and pap tests. Access these services through Student Wellness Services, where staff provide non-judgmental care and can answer your sexual health questions.

Consensual sex

Consent is crucial in healthy sexual relationships. All participants should be enthusiastic and engaged. Remember, consent cannot be given under the influence of drugs or alcohol or when coercion is involved. Consent can be revoked at any time, so ongoing communication with your partner is essential. This open dialogue ensures comfort and contributes to a more positive experience for everyone involved.

Fun sex

Fulfillment in your sexual experiences means your needs are met in a way you enjoy and feel comfortable with. Explore your desires with trusted partners, communicating your wants while respecting others’ boundaries. Sexual preferences and comfort levels vary greatly, so honest communication is key to ensuring mutual satisfaction and respect.

Sex should be fun. While prioritizing safety and consent, don’t forget to enjoy the experience. Explore what brings you pleasure, be playful and embrace the excitement of discovery. There’s no “right” way to have sex — your journey of sexual exploration is as unique as you are, so embrace it with curiosity and enthusiasm.

Your sexual well-being is important to your overall health, and the university is here to support you. Reach out to the various services with any questions or concerns. Stay informed and use the resources available to confidently navigate your sexual health journey.

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